Ruth Mourik’s aim is to contribute to a just, inclusive and more sustainable world. A world where end-users are more (and more upfront) involved in decisions that impact their lives and where lessons learnt are shared so that upscaling of good practices takes place more effec-tively. Transitions Ruth works on include energy and the circular economy and she focuses on issues such as learning, open innovation, co-creation, multiple value creation, new busi-ness models, changing behaviour, practices and lifestyles, and societal engagement.
In 2010 Ruth founded DuneWorks ( Duneworks is private research ‘for benefit’ organisation specialised in the societal aspects of transitions towards an inclusive and sustainable climate. Ruth has Masters in Anthropology, Sociology, and Society and Technol-ogy Studies (STS), and holds a PhD in systemic technological and societal transition pro-cesses. Previous employers include Maastricht University, Eindhoven Technical University and the Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN).