Project Organisation

This project is run by consortium of six partners from three European countries Ireland, Spain, and Poland. International Energy Research Centre (IERC), a research organisation based in Cork, Ireland is project coordinator leading the implementation of the project workplan laid out under six work packages spread over the duration of 36 months from October 2023 to September 2026.


The International Energy Research Centre (IERC) located in Cork, Ireland is an industry-led collaborative research organization that seeks to identify and exploit opportunities in the energy demand space through a holistic, system approach to technology, policy, and markets. It is one of the largest funded technology centres in Ireland, with a portfolio of approximately €5m worth of investment already underway. The IERC delivers the research needed to enable improvements through the five lenses of technology: analytics, behaviour, business models and policy regulations.

The IERC delivers world leading collaborative research to meet global societal needs for secure, affordable and sustainable energy services. It enables partners to develop new products and services that will ensure real energy demand reductions across society. The centre provides an energy research environment that combines business innovation with research excellence for energy demand side efficiency and systems integration challenges.


Lawler Sustainability

Lawler Sustainability (LS) was formed to provide an integrated approach to reducing clients’ energy consumption, their carbon footprint and increasing sustainability. LS offers clients a unique service by minimising a site’s energy and carbon emissions. Their expertise is drawn from an experienced pool of architects, engineers and analysts allowing comprehensive building and site evaluations to be made. With 40 years of experience designing, commissioning, and monitoring the electrical and mechanical systems that are responsible for energy consumption within buildings, LS have an in depth understanding of building systems.

LS are continually evaluating new technologies and system controls to maximize the energy reduction impact we can deliver to clients. LS are certified to the internationally recognized ISO 9001:2008 Quality Assurance Standard, demonstrating their commitment to providing consistent and quality services to our client base.



ITC AICE’s activity is focused on spearheading technology innovation and design processes, anticipating market and consumer needs, through professionalised management of a qualified human team committed to excellence. ITC-AICE’s fundamental concern is research, as the main vehicle to sectoral development, while it concurrently acts as a partner for ceramic sector companies in detecting their particular problems and in searching for instruments that will help them solve these, in addition to undertaking whatever actions might enhance company competitiveness in the international marketplace.

Particularly ITC-AICE works in the field of ceramic processing, energy efficiency, and industry’s environmental impact minimization, (innovative waste recovery solutions and emissions reduction), as well as in the functionalisation of ceramic surfaces and in the achievement of new technical performance and aesthetic features of products related to the habitat hyper-sector and other industries, such as high-tech tools advanced ceramics, automotive or petrochemical sectors.



NAPE was created 1994 as an initiative of Polish Energy Conservation Foundation and Polish Development Bank as the respond to the growing market demand for energy efficient investments in Poland.  NAPE is active member of Business Support Centre for SME’s operated by its mother company – the Energy Conservation Foundation.

The range of NAPE activity is formed of services, studies, programs and projects within all energy sectors, with particular emphasis on technical, financial and capacity building fields, which are render on the competitive way in Poland and abroad. The energy audits elaborated by NAPE team are in compliance with Polish and EU rules of energy auditing set up i.e. by the Act on thermal refurbishment of buildings (1998), Act on energy efficiency (2011), standards EN-16247 or ISO 50002. So far NAPE has prepared over 4000 energy audits of buildings, energy installations and technological processes in SME’s and in large industry.


Energy Lab

EnergyLab is a technology centre specialised in energy efficiency and sustainability. It is a non-profit private entity set up in 2008 as an initiative of the industry, the Regional Government and the three universities of Galicia. The centre identifies, develops and promotes technologies, processes, products and consumption behaviours able to contribute to the improvement of the energy efficiency and sustainability through its applications in all sectors of society. EnergyLab is member of relevant EU and international associations such as: SPIRE, RHCETIP, RHC- ETIP,EHPA R&I Committee, RIETI – Ibero.

In the field of energy audits, EnergyLab is the exclusive representative of EVO (Efficiency Valuation Organization) in Spain from 2011, coordinating activities related to the dissemination of the energy savings measurement and verification protocol (IPMVP), the organization of training courses for future certifiers and the management of registration for courses training and exam. By now, EnergyLab has developed over 80 EVO courses and qualified more than 1,500 pupils.



The Spanish Association of Energy Efficiency Companies (A3E) is an independent and non-profit organization that represents more than 120 companies and entities working in the field of Energy Efficiency. Its members include energy consulting firms, technologic institutes, engineering companies, ESCOs, equipment and component manufacturers, etc. Since its creation in March 2009, A3E has been devoted to the promotion of this sector and the diffusion of technical knowledge related to energy efficiency.

These groups have covered key issues for the development of energy efficiency in Spain, such as: such a as energy saving certificates, energy communities and demand aggregation. A3E, as an association of companies working in the field of energy efficiency, acts as a lobby that works actively in favour of the sector. 


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