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Dr Sandipan Patra


Dr. Sandipan Patra joined the IERC’s EDGE (Embedded and Distributed Generation Systems) group in October 2021. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering from the West Bengal University of Technology, India, and a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering with specialization in Power Electronics and Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) design from Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT), Allahabad, India. In early 2021, he also earned a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Electrical Engineering from the Technological University of Dublin.

Before joining IERC, he worked as a Post-doctoral researcher at Trinity College Dublin to design an enhanced controller to improve wind farm efficiency. Sandipan also has many years (2016-2020) of teaching and research experience at Technological University Dublin. Before TU Dublin, he also worked as a teaching research assistant in IIIT Bhubaneswar (India).

He has extensive expertise in building lab prototypes and testing newly manufactured electrical designs or products (using real-time simulators such as OPAL-RT, PLECS, and RTDS). He also has experience in using different microcontrollers (e.g., sbRIO, MYRIO, TI, dsPIC etc.) and PCB design tools. In addition, he cooperated effectively with the multidisciplinary research team on a variety of initiatives.

His research interests include low and medium voltage power electronics & power system applications, community microgrids, power quality assessment, hardware and cyber-attacks detection and defences, and signal processing applications in power electronics.

Sandipan’s role in IERC is to assist various EDGE group projects.