Dr. Shafi Khadem leads the Intelligent Grid theme in IERC. He is research active in the area of micro and intelligent grid networks with special focus on grid stability and power quality, embedded & distributed generation systems integration, and smart energy communities. He has more than 18 years of research and 2 years of teaching experiences in universities, international organizations and industries in multi-disciplinary teams. Before joining the IERC, Shafi was an IRCSET post-doctoral research fellow and jointly worked with Trinity College Dublin (IE) and Integrated Environmental Solutions (UK) on smart energy management systems for buildings, especially on energy efficient harmonic load and renewable energy systems modelling with power quality analysis in virtual environment. Shafi holds a PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Dublin Institute of Technology (IE).
He has already contributed as a researcher and lead-researcher in different national (such as IRCSET, EI, HEA) and international (such as (UNEP, JICA, EU FP7) funded research projects. He led the Electricity Transmission System Leadership Training Course for top management staff of the newly created Electricity Sector Regulatory Agency (ARSEL) – Cameroon. He has been a PI – MiFIC (IERC), StoreNet (IERC and Industry fund), and PASSAGE (EI and Industry fund) projects, WP lead – PANTERA (PAN European Technology Energy Research Approach, H2020), BEYOND (EU ERA-NET SES) projects, Technical oversight and task lead – cPAD, ImpRESS projects, National lead – IEA Task GO-P2P. By this time, he has secured over €2m in research funding.
He has developed close collaboration with several organizations, international (such as UNEP, TERI (IN), UTRC (IE), NREL (USA), JICA (JP)), EU (such as SINTEF (NO), RSE (IT), IPE (LT), TUS (BG), DERLab (DE), DLR (DE), RISOE (DK), IES (UK), ICL (UK)), national (such as ESBN, UCD, EI, TCD, TUD) and SME’s (such as Solo, Amarenco, EI) etc.
He has supervised/mentored and provided training to number of undergrad/graduate/PhD students, post doctoral researchers and government/industry personnel on smart grid, RET, converter design, active power filtering, real time simulation etc. He has more than 50 peer-reviewed publications in scientific journals and conference proceedings, has co-authored a book and other technical reports. He received recognition from different institutions including HEA (IE), ICTP (IT), EU Erasmus (UK), DIT (IE), IRCSET (IE), IEEE (USA).
Currently, also serving as an Expert in the evaluation panel of H2020 MSCA (IF). Involved as Member of different professional bodies, such as, IEEE Power Electronics, Power and Energy, Smart Grid Community.
He is also strongly involved in ETIP SNET (The European Technology & Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition) Working Group 5 (Innovation implementation in the business environment) to support the development and implementation of ETIP SNET R&I roadmap 2020 to 2030.