In May 2014, the International Energy Research Centre held its third annual conference in Cork, Ireland.

This event brought together key global stakeholders involved in energy services for lively debate, discussion, networking and discovery. It was an occasion when ideas were shared about how to make society’s energy systems more efficient and effective and we looked at this from every angle – research, industry, policy and the eventual user, the consumer.

The Executive Summary of the IERC’s 3rd Annual Conference is available below.


Session 1: Sustainable Communities and Smart Cities
An EU View on Smart Cities. Mathias Reddmann, European Commission

Barcelona’s Smart Projects. Alex Serret Garrigues, City of Barcelona

People-Centric Sustainable and Smart Cities. Long Pham, IERC


Session 2: Energy Retrofit Programmes
Creating a Sustainable Energy Retrofit Marketplace. Jayson Antonoff, Institute for Market Transformation

Implementing Energy Efficiency Policies through Local Community Activity – Innovation Models of Collaboration. Declan Meally, SEAI

Retrofitting Infrastructure. Aiden Cawley, Siemens

Designing User Centered Energy Assessments Systems – Lessons from a US Case Study. Michael Whelton, IERC


Session 3: Energy Delivery Systems
Irelands Response to the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED). Stjohn O’Connor, DCENR

ESCOs as a Vehicle for Delivering Energy Performance Contracting. Ray Ring, Aramark

De-risking Energy Performance Contracting: The Role of Measurement and Verification. Lacour Ayompe, IERC


Session 4: Innovation
Advanced Building Analytics: a Non-Disruptive Solution to Cost and Carbon Reduction. Anthony J Farrell, Accenture

Where are the Next Innovations in the Built Environment? Phil Jones, Building Energy Solutions

Debate: Has Good Regulation led to Real Innovation in the Energy Market Place?
Syed Ahmed, Energy For London

Xavier Dubuisson, XD Consulting

Eamonn Murtagh, Commission for Energy Regulation

Jeff Smith, Bilfinger