Our Team

Anup Marhatta

Anup Marhatta

Intelligent Grid

Anup joined IERC as a PhD student in May 2024. He is conducting research in the field of grid-connected smart inverters with the research topic “Development of Next-generation Consumer-Centric Grid-ready Smart Inverter”.

Brian O’Regan

Brian O’Regan

Energy Informatics

Brian joined the team in 2016, and has a Masters in Engineering and a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, both from University College Cork and is a PhD Researcher in Institute of Construction Informatics, Technische Universität Dresden.

Dr Carlos Ochoa

Dr Carlos Ochoa

Energy in Buildings

Dr Carlos Ochoa joined the IERC as a Building Energy Senior Researcher, after previous participation in FP7 and H2020 projects with Technion – Israel Institute of Technology.

Eimear Corridan

Eimear Corridan

Eimear joined the IERC in January 2020. She is responsible for managing the day to day activities of the centre.

Dr Chantal Basurto

Dr Chantal Basurto

Energy in Buildings

Dr. Chantal Basurto joined IERC as postdoctoral researcher in September 2023.

Eoin O’Leidhin

Eoin O’Leidhin

Energy Informatics

Eoin joined the team in December 2017, and has a Masters in Engineering and a Bachelor’s degree in Electronic Engineering both from University of Limerick.

Dr Fábio Silva

Dr Fábio Silva

Energy Informatics

Fábio joined the International Energy Research Centre (IERC), in October 2020, to contribute to the projects of the Energy Informatics Group (EIG). His role involves supporting the development of software applications in various areas, including building energy management and modelling, energy system integration, and energy poverty, as well as contributing to the development of exploitation policies, business models, and project funding proposals.

Farah Tahir

Farah Tahir

Energy Informatics

Farah joined the IERC as a Research Assistant in May 2019. She has completed her Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science (Web Systems Engineering), and is currently progressing with her Masters in Data Science and Analytics, both from University College Cork.

Karen Mould

Karen Mould

Energy Informatics

Karen obtained a bachelors degree in Marine Environmental Science from Portsmouth University, after which she spent several years researching coastal environments as a marine biologist, as well working in coastal, marine and heritage tourism.

Dr Luciano De Tommasi

Dr Luciano De Tommasi

Smart Energy Services and Regulatory Innovation

Dr Luciano De Tommasi has joined IERC as Senior Research Engineer and Team Leader after more than 15 years of experience in research positions, including academia, public sector and industry.

Kumar Raushan

Kumar Raushan

Energy in Buildings

Kumar Raushan joined IERC as a Researcher in June 2024

Mahmudul Hasan

Mahmudul Hasan

Intelligent Grid

Mahmudul Hasan joined the IERC team in June 2024