Dr Luciano De Tommasi has joined IERC as Senior Research Engineer and Team Leader after more than 15 years of experience in research positions, including academia, public sector and industry.
He was a Senior Research Scientist at United Technologies Research Center where his role encompassed all the stages of research and development in buildings and districts energy systems, with a particular focus on energy efficiency, innovative system level control strategies and optimization tools for energy efficient design and refurbishment. He has led research work in multiple EU and National projects liaising with universities and research institutes.
He previously held the position of Researcher in Wind Power and Smart Grids at the Energy Research Center of the Netherlands, where he led research on wind power modelling and participated in wind power integration studies of wind farms in the power system as well as voltage stability studies in collaboration with a university partner.
He has held a post-doctoral position at University of Antwerp, department of Mathematics and Computer Science where he led research work on surrogate models and multiobjective optimization applied to electronic circuits.
He received his MEng.Sc degree in electronic engineering and his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, respectively in 2003 and 2006. His doctoral research was in the area of black-box modelling of electrical systems for transient simulation.