Intensify Final Conference takes place in Cork

IERC, as part of the UP-STAIRS EU H2020 project programme, attended the Intensify Final Conference that took place in Cork on the 9th and 10th of November. Funded by the European Regional Development fund, the INTENSIFY project innovatively addresses a key challenge for European cities and regions: how to energise citizens and communities to achieve more carbon reduction.


During this meeting, all the parties involved talked about their involvement in the mission to reduce carbon emissions reduction and their methods to slow down climate change. 


Cork City Council spoke about their work, in collaboration with IERC, on the Home Energy Upgrade Office (HEUGO) located on the Grand Parade, Cork which is co-funded by the INTENSIFy and UP-STAIRS project programmes. The office, which has been successful so far, informs the local public on ways to improve the energy efficiency of their homes and reduce the costs of house heating by using clean, renewable energy.

You can read more about the conference on Intensify’s website here