Description: National and EU energy policy is targeting increased generation of energy from cleaner renewable energy (RE) sources including micro generation (μGen) systems. Distribution network operators and aggregators are however concerned about the potential impact on grid stability. Further research and development on improved grid stability with viable μGen systems is required to achieve RE targets and to empower prosumers as key energy citizens.
The aim of this project is to determine how to increase μGen based RE penetration through the design, development and optimization of a community grid (C-Grid) that is to be deployed as a franchised product offering using a SOP (Standard Operating Procedure):
• Design a C-Grid and define the structural & operational flexibility while minimizing impact to the grid stability
• Design and develop the power and energy matching algorithms for energy trading platform
• Improve and optimize the community grid stabilisation unit
• Optimize the energy storage functionalities for future microgrid operation
• Improvements on state of the art or current commercial offerings in μGrid systems
• Sustainability achievement of μGen based RE systems
• Increase the penetration of RE
• Empowering energy citizen through the development of energy trading mechanism for the prosumers
• Establish nationally relevant demonstration sites
• Create new business models and opportunities