Analysing the intensity of research activity in smart grid related projects being carried out in the EU Member States (MS) is one of the key processes to identify the future steps necessary for a responsible energy transition. So, within this paper, a brief review is performed on the two project evaluation methodologies that are well practiced in the European region under the ETIP SNET initiative which are based on their detailed roadmap to decarbonise the EU smart grid by 2050. It is observed that 15 out of 28 MS, are far below the EU average level of R&I activities in the field of smart grids (SGs). The SG R&I activities of these countries are then further analysed by considering 6 countries out of the 15 low SG R&I activity MS. This paper assesses the R&I status in detail by focusing on National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) priorities and national research activity from published data. This assessment is then extended to research areas leading to the development of an integrated energy system where the smart grid acts as an important operational link between all energy sectors.
Published in: The 12th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion (MEDPOWER 2020)