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Smart Energy Services and Regulatory Innovation


The Building Up Skills for Home Renovation One-Stop-Shops – BUSHROSSs, project aims to build up skills of stakeholder from all levels of governance and relevant bodies (national, regional and local authorities, municipalities, energy agencies, etc.) for the successful establishment and operation of One Stop Shops (OSSs) to assist homeowners during the entire process of residential building energy refurbishment. Previous research has shown that these concepts can lead to the acceleration of home renovation rates, contribution to delivering the European Green Deal and improving the well-being and health of citizens and future generations. In BUSHROSSs will evaluate the potential for these concepts by developing qualification and upskilling schemes and piloting them in six countries across the continent (in Bulgaria, Greece, Ireland, Poland, Slovenia and Ukraine) via delivering of training courses to relevant stakeholders, relevant to OSS establishment and operation, including “training of trainers” activities. The trainings will follow a modular approach to cover various aspects of home renovation and will be easily adaptable to the various local needs in the participating countries, and around Europe.

BUSHROSSs supports the reduction of energy consumption and the decarbonisation of the European building stock which is top of the EU agenda for the transition towards a low carbon future. One of the main focuses in the European Green Deal is to support actions for renovation and energy efficiency improvements in residential buildings which account for approximately 75 % of all EU building asset. In order to roll out the Renovation Wave in Europe, significant efforts of stakeholder from all levels of governance are needed to achieve the required pace of energy renovation of residential buildings. Within these efforts, the creation of “one-stop-shops” (OSSs) for home renovation is considered an important vehicle to speed-up the pace of building energy refurbishment. However, practical experience shows that the stakeholders, responsible for home renovation OSSs, need to be provided with specific knowledge and capacity to create and successfully run such structures.

Project Coordinator: International Energy Research Centre (IERC)

Project Partners: Cork City Council (CCC), Sofia Energy Centre Ltd (SEC), Sdruzhenie Kamara Na Instalatorite V Balgariya (CISB), Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving Foundation (CRES), Stowarzyszenie Gmin Polska Siec Energie Cites (PNEC), National University Of Life And Environmental Sciences Of Ukraine (NUBIP), Gradbeni Institut Zrmk Doo (GI ZRMK)