The IERC are delighted to host Energy Cork’s upcoming Innovation in the Energy Sector half-day conference, which will take place on Friday 25th November from 0830 – 1300 at the Tyndall National Institute, Cork.
The global energy sector presents an enormous opportunity for new and existing companies to meet the challenges of energy security, affordability and sustainability. So how should companies in the energy sector, and Irish companies in particular, respond to these challenges? What’s in it for them? How can policy makers help? Can the energy sector learn from other sectors?
The Innovation in the Energy Sector conference will address these questions and highlight the opportunities for Cork and Ireland in the energy sector.
Speakers at this half-day event will include representatives from:
- Sustainable Energy Ireland
- Indaver Ireland
- Solo Energy
- Amarenco Solar
- Gas Networks Ireland
More details, including how to register for this free event, can be found at