ESCOs and Aggregators Needed for EU Energy Market Mapping

The NOVICE project brings together ESCOs, aggregators, financiers and building operators/owners to create an innovative business model that can allow for faster repayment of energy efficiency investments by combining revenue streams from both energy savings and grid services into a single offering.

The NOVICE consortium is currently mapping and analysing the EU energy market, in terms of size, maturity and potential, so as to identify the current and future business opportunities for ESCOs and Aggregators. Within the context of this task, two surveys, targeting ESCOs and Aggregators, are currently ongoing. Interested parties are encouraged to participate by filling in the appropriate online questionnaires. In return, we will share with you the results of our research which will include high quality information on the current and future energy efficiency & demand side management opportunities that could be incorporated into your business model to enhance your service offering.:

ESCO Questionnaire
Aggregator Questionnaire

What is NOVICE?

NOVICE is a 3-year project co-funded by the European Commission that aims to develop and demonstrate an innovative business model for Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) that will provide energy savings to buildings and demand response (DR) services to the grid after renovating buildings or blocks of buildings. A dual revenue stream shall thus be enabled that can reduce payback period for investments in buildings renovations and accelerate the much needed market uptake of the Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) based financing model. Adopting that model, ESCOs and Aggregators could jointly and in a coordinated manner tackle the energy efficiency, demand response and onsite generation market.

The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 745594

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LIFE-AUDIT-PLUS wishes to get in contact with associations, policymakers, technologists, private companies, energy intensive industries, public authorities, agencies, research entities, normalisation bodies, to discuss with them how energy auditing processes are currently organised in energy intensive industries, opportunities to innovate the current best practices, ideas for new standards and financial schemes, which can increase the investments in energy efficiency measures identified in energy audit process, and the efforts spent in their implementation.