International Energy Research Centre (IERC) Hosts 7th Annual Conference on ‘Energy Resilience in Low Carbon Economy’

International and Irish industry leaders, innovators and researchers are convening in Cork on 14 March for the International Energy Research Centre (IERC) Annual Conference.   The IERC’s “Energy Resilience in a Low Carbon Economy” event will look at how Ireland can accelerate its transition to a low carbon, competitive economy while maintaining reliable and cost effective energy supply.

“Energy decarbonisation is not without its challenges, so sharing experiences from international leaders, indigenous innovators, researchers, energy providers and businesses is not only practical but vital to our progress. Delivering a resilient and robust economy requires investment and innovation with a focus on integration, digitization and empowering citizens in a smart, energy efficient environment,” said Professor Tony Day, Executive Director at the IERC.

The IERC Conference 2018 will include insights from Joy Aloor, Head of Power Technologies, Siemens UK, Marguerite Sayers, Managing Director at ESB Networks, Amarenco CEO John Mullins, Liam O’Sullivan, Managing Director, Gas Networks Ireland, Energia Managing Director Tom Gillen and Paddy Hayes, Executive Director of Generation & Wholesale Markets at ESB and business leaders from United Technologies, Joule Assets and LUMO, France. Developments in alternative fuels such as biogas, flexibility solutions, solar, business and costs modeling, investment and continuity of supply will be discussed at the panel sessions throughout the day-long conference.

“By bringing international business leaders and energy innovators we can benchmark our progress against other countries, exchange ideas and concepts, ultimately with the aim of delivering actions that positively impact our economy.”  Dr. Matthew Kennedy, Head of Strategy and Business at the IERC, added.

With a strong track record in delivery of successful energy research projects, the IERC is an industry-led, government-supported Energy Technology Centre.  Hosted at Tyndall National Institute at UCC, the Centre delivers world leading collaborative research to meet global societal needs for secure, affordable and sustainable energy services.  The work of the IERC continues to act as a catalyst in Ireland for secure, efficient and cost effective energy supply across the island, through research, innovation and collaboration with industry.  Currently involved in a number of commercial and consumer projects from Dingle to Tallaght, the IERC is working to address energy demand side efficiencies including distributed energy, low carbon heating and cooling, and energy analytics.  


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