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StoreNet (T2 Project)

Intelligent Grid
Embedded distribution & Generation Systems


The StoreNet project aims to demonstrate the potential of distributed demand-side storage within the Irish residential market.


Demonstrating the potential of distributed demand-side storage within the Irish residential market to facilitate the transition to a 100% renewable future, while delivering value to consumers, renewable generators and grid operators.

Project Objectives

Develop and demonstrate a business model involving the deployment of a 20-node energy storage network across residential homes in Ireland.

Prescribe the technical specifications of the required integrated infrastructure to operate the StoreNet business model.

Identify and quantify the magnitude of balancing / system services than can be delivered by a distributed energy storage network to the distribution grid and the prioritisation of these from a commercial perspective. 

Assess the model in terms of 100% renewable electricity retail sales and grid services through the deployment of distributed energy storage devices.


Identification of barriers (regulatory, market, technological and financial) to the rollout and operation of the StoreNet business model and prescription and development of the appropriate contractual arrangements between the different stakeholders and end users.

Identification of the most appropriate distribution grid conditions and typologies of buildings than can mostly benefit from the installation of integrated battery systems under the StoreNet model.

A validation of the technological components’ reliability of battery-inverter technology when being operated over long periods to provide both “energy” storage (arbitrage) and “power” storage (grid services) of the suggested infrastructure along with the willingness and engagement of end users. 


IERC Researchers: Shafi Khadem, Mohamed Bahloul

Partners: Solo Energy, Electric Ireland, ESB Networks

Deliverable: StoreNet VPP Control

Publications: Role of Aggregator in Coordinating Residential Virtual Power Plant in “StoreNet”: A Pilot Project Case Study

Design and Field Implementation of a Hierarchical Control Solution for Residential Energy Storage Systems